To Determine the Relationship between Occupational Stress and Mental Health Status of the Employees in Sport Sciences Research Center

Document Type : Original Article


The purpose of the current study was to determine the relationship between occupational stress and mental 
health status of employees in Sport Sciences Research Center (SSRC). The research was a correlative survey. 
Due to the aims and content of this study, a questionnaire was selected as the best method to gather data. For 
this purpose, a research-made demographic (age, gender, marriage status and educational degree) questionnaire, Goldberg’ mental health questionnaire (28 items) and occupational tress questionnaire (14 items) were 
used. The statistical population of the study (N=35) consisted of SSRC full-time (official, semi-official and 
contract) and part-time (PhD candidate students) employees. 31 subjects answered the questionnaires. As Kolmogorov- Smirnov test showed that the distribution of data was normal, ANOVA, independent t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient were employed to analyze the data. 
Results showed a reverse and significant relationship between occupational stress and mental health (r=-
0.42, p=0.01). Also, there was no significant difference between occupational stress and mental health considering gender, job area and educational degree. There was no significant difference between occupational 
stress and mental health of single and married employees. Also, there was no significant relationship between 
age and occupational stress and between age and mental health. 
