The Comparison of Sport Injuries in Different Parts of the Body of Elite Male Volleyball Players

Document Type : Original Article


The purpose of this study was to compare sport injuries occurring in various parts of the body of elite male 
volleyball players participating in sport Olympiad of Iran universities. This study was descriptive and the statistical society consisted of elite male volleyball players participating in sport Olympiad. The subjects consisted of 72 elite athletes with average age (24.61±2.28 yr), height (167.27±6.61 cm), weight (58.17±6.03 kg) 
and history of volleyball activities (8.43±2.98 yr). Data of occurred injuries in the above mentioned tournament 
were recorded by Fuller et al questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics 
(p≤0.05) using SPSS-16 software (Chi – square test). Based on the results obtained in both training and match 
time, a significant correlation was observed between the kind of sport injuries and different parts of body (K2

727.06, p = 0.001). The most vulnerable parts of body were upper limb (37.5%), and the most prevalent injuries were tendomuscular (45.7%). The most common injury was muscle spasms, (17.8%) overall and hand fingers (12.6%) were the most vulnerable parts of body. Thus, volleyball is so much superior risk professional 
volleyball players of tendomuscular injuries especially in upper limbs; such as fingers, knee and ankle injuries. 
Therefore, coaches and athletes should consider special training programs to strengthen the muscles of the 
body parts
